ocr: TTHE HEINEMANN TOEFL PREPARATION COURSE - XA 12345 b - 8 J - 10/11112/13 14 15 16117 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 C) Mr. Grant has raised Ben since he was a small child. (D) Ben should ask Mr. Grant for more money. 11 (A) She will help the man find what he is looking for. (B) She thinks the bank is next to the gas station on the corner. (C) She will fill the man's tank with gas. (D) She doesn't know where the bank is. 12) (A) The man had not ordered any cabinets. (B) The man couldn't come and get the cabinets. (C) The cabinets could not be installed. SECTION Directions. 1 A (D) The c ...